"Shiny" - This is the main root of all "K.D.D" technically everything can fall into such a category, but I choose to just classify thus as a general "smooth" reflective surface in which we can stare wide eyes like 3 year old children at something that fascinates us. In his sence "shiny" can be multiple objects. Mainly based on previous personal definitions shiny refers to a penny, tumbled stones/crystals and such. Generally earth related ores and nature related creations, reflecting shards of fractal light. Reflections of light from hand held mirrors or other shiny surfaces (when brought into motion) are also applicable for this category.
"Glittery" - Is one of the many sub-sections of the main root "shiny" items that fall into this category can include such things as glitter itself, or plastic toys/cups with any form(s) of metallic shards encrusted into something more solid we can wrap our paws around. (yanno those really cool wands with the bubble that makes the glitter and oil beads fall to the bottom.. hours of distraction on end for us XD) Glittery can also be a natural made wonder, such as Mica, quartz or pyrite embedded into stones. 'pika-pika' for Kitsune.
"Metallic" - Metallic is its namesake. Most things metallic can include chrome, those retro metal tumblers, wrenches and hand tools, or those nifty Gay pride rings..also I have seen wind chimes fall into this category. (and they jingle/chime too- which we will discuss latter) Weapons/Katanas/Knives also apply. In the cases of some Kitsune, the more ornamental the better.
"Opalescent" - Ok so its rainbow AND pearly.. two for one sale! *ding* Things in this category usually include abalone shells (and other shells) fashioned into jewelry.. or you never know..maybe some sandylion brand stickers :P either way, it makes rainbows and Kitsune become mindless zombies at the ever swirling mass of changing liquid like colors.
"Neon" - A very broad range. What Kitsune cant
honestly say they haven't stared at the neon signs SOMEPLACE at any given time
(especially those animated ones) Included too is the non luminescent forms
of neon that include neon plastics in freaky retro 80's display aided along
by black lights. Also in this subcategory are Glow in the dark items, those
"electric balls" (also fashioned into other odd and sometimes obscene
shapes XD) that emit different colored waves and when you touch them the
fractal waves follow your hands..or nine tenths of the toys that are found in
All though not supported by itself, BlackLights can also technically classify
for this sub section.
(if you like being a fluorescent purple Myobu! :D)
"Clear/See-Through" - Most if not all plastics
fall into this category, and can be combined with all the other aforementioned
subcategories, this is perhaps the most entertaining of all as the possibilities
are vast for multiple combinations. (yanno those yellow handles on screwdrivers
X3) distorted/warped versions of 'clear' are among the most popular. Glass
is another substitutable form of matter, marbles, balls, orbs etc..as it can
hold and attain all that plastics can. I'm not sure of the validity of this;
but Mirrors, both ordinary ones and fun house mirrors seem to fit nicely as
"Binky/Flashy" - Ok answer me this, what Kitsune HASENT at one given point in time stared at the rapid pulsating lights being emmitted from one of those cell phone kiosks in the mall that top peoples Antennas when they ring. The cheap toys in walgreens/CVS that are jell filled and randomly flash hues of red green and blue. The necklaces and other random crap that come in plastic eggs at 50 cent machines. Its all here. ;) Toys that Ravers play with are featured here too such as glowsticks
Usually in this sence elements such as wind and water and sunlight
play important roles in the aid of Motion stimulus.
"Swishy/Sway" - Similar to the motion of metronomes, clock pendulums, pendants or a tail waving in the winds said objects in motion is are bound to de-rail a kitsune's so called train of thoughts into a hypnotic entranced state of bliss.
"Spinny" - Examples of these are wind toys (wind socks) pinwheels (and propeller powered objects) and hell even the occasional blade of a ceiling fan, in moments of boredom we of the vulpine persuasion have been known to focus our affixation on a certain focal point, and then proceed to rotate our eyeballs in our sockets, leading eventually to the circular motions of the head....followed prompty by a headche X_x;
"Bouncy/Springy" - Up, down, Up, down, Up, down, repeat. Anything made of rubber and/or inflated with air. Or a tightly wound coil of metal that when released makes a "sprooooinnnng" noice. Like the bonce of a brightly coloured ball; it lifts out spirits up on high and fills us with the enthusiasim a 3 year old wired on pixy sticks and pop rockswould have XD
Theirs also 'ear candy' involved, As us Kitsune know certain sounds can set us off into a juvenile frenzy of giggles/tears of laughter, or lull and soothe out spirits into a lulled traced like state. I'll attempt to elaboratly classify these; but for now they are so eloquently listed by what we nickname them as:
Clicks (or 'clicky/snappy') - Surely their isn't a kitsune out there whom hasn't played with a juice bottle/soda cap and drove everyone bat-shit insane within hearing radius, or played their own versions of "Morse speed code" (AKA click as rapidly and obnoxiously as possible XD) add along side that those toys you often find in 25/50¢ machines that look like little plastic jointed snake-like legos that one can twist in all sorts of directions, making a plethora of clacking and popping noises, all though not technically a "clicky" noise, "poppy" also known as BubbleWrap can be a kitsune "babysitter"
Chimes/Bells (or 'dingy/Jingly') - If its metal, and it hangs form something it falls into this category, be it finely tuned wind chimes, gongs, bells of all shapes and sizes (yes Christmas time = yay for kitsune!) or even something so simplistic as a ring full of keys, a shitload of keychains dangling off some one backpack swaying in the wind. Our animalistic urges rise like a cat getting a euphoric high from catnip and we cant help but bat at, tap, paw prod and poke said things. Which is why most stores have childproof locks and keep thing above and behind a 3 foot counter....because of us. >:3
Whistles ('tooty/chirpity') - Penny whistles, Whistle
Pops, Whistle
candy dime and dollar store noise markers, Or just crap
like this :D When a kitsune and its accute sence of hearing, zones in on
one of these poor unsuspecting peices of prey its all over- both its poor platic
victim and the eardrums of any living being within a 50 mile radius, fear not
however- for Kitsune has small little lung power and vocalizations don't last
for long spurts of time. (unless of course..the kitsune was in band..)
**If you of a non-vulpine persuasion find yourself
in a citation like this, DO NOT under any means let the Kitsune see your seething
migraine-like state of being, for it will only instigate its obnoxious behavior
further, instead try to thwart it by waving something shiny (as we discussed
earlier) in its face.
Its importaint to keep a Kitsune's brain mentally sharpened, listed below are
some noted means.
Puzzle balls- You've seen them in the machines in food stores for 50
cents, Neon plastic balls that interlock and have warnings up he ass all over
them not to give them to infants or toddlers, and yet..they give them to us
Kitsune, which are just as bad. :P once assembled we roll these around on the
floor/in our hands for a bit, disassemble them, reassemble, and then eventually
do the worst possible things of placing them in out mouths and spouting them
out like cannon balls. Once covered in too much spittle the novelty of this
toy wears off and your safe.
Rubix cube- Hours of cubular entertainment on ends! Seriously, if you want
to keep a Kitsune occupied by 54 squares of RGB colored goodness toss them one
of these. If you really want to be a prick peel off the stickers and put them
in the wrong place; for either a mental challenge or a hissy fit XD
Chain links- If theirs a weak spot, we'll find it! just like other puzzles
Kitsune are known for loving these dime store pieces of misshapen metal. It
also jingles and rattles which is an added bonus. Giving a Kitsune one of these
will end up in one of three ways, a solved puzzle and a vulpine with a smug
grin, a puzzle that has been since turned into a toy of juvenile amusement simply
for its sound, or an emergency room visit (don't ask
Kitsune love the feeling of holding oddly shapen/odd textures things in their
paws. similar to the way an Otter holds onto a shell or has a favorite rock
tool for breaking things open, the stimulus of touch plays an important role.
Knobby/odd shapen- Weathed driftwood or plastic massage toys we love
to wrap our grubby little paws around things that have iiregular shapes to them.
'Pinhead' falls into the catagoty too, as Kitsune love to mush their faces againts
the flat metal ends and make rude/obscene jestures in its imprints :D
Squishy/smooth/silk/satin/rough- Be it scratching out nails/bodies, or sensually
rubbing our paw pads, Kitsune love to feel odd textures between their toes and
against their fur. Sadly, This will often result in odd stares in public places,
Parents telling their spawn/brats not to stare at the strange person, and a
commonly heard phrase: "Sir/Ma'am Please dont do that or you will be
asked to leave the store.."
Beanbags/foam peanuts/sand- It crinkles/pops and is made of of 3/4's air/is
gritty! mush, squish or chew as long as something is stuffed with it, we'll
play with it, toss it, punch it, flop in/on it. We'll curl ourselfs tighter
then a wound spring or sprawl outselfs out on it. This is the reason why many
such products have warning lables on them, Us kitsune cant help it we find creative
and slightly unorthodox uses for everyday human products.
Fuzzy/soft- I'll use beds/linens as a good example of this- most Kitsune
are known for making "nests" out of their beds, which includes 10
layers of blankets and pillows. duck down, cashmere, cotton, wool, flannel etc.
We will burrow toss and turn until the so called bed has been obliterated into
a former pile of itself and everything is in its misplaced spot, and only THEN
can we rest soundly. Space foam beds? indefinitely. Anything that to the point
of where we step/lay on it and we sink in 5 inches or more is good.;3